Newsletter 5 (May)

A graduate of Project Empowerment!

A graduate of Project Empowerment!

This is our latest issue! We were happy to include an interview with Dayshawn Barnes on her experiences with coming out of prison and entering Project Empowerment, a job training program.

“So Project Empowerment was beautiful, you know. But the thing with Project Empowerment is that with a lot of girls that are in the streets really don’t have that mindset of ok the rules are you have to be there 8:30 in the morning, you can’t come in jeans and tennis shoes, you have to wear office clothes, you’ve got to be there from 8am to 5pm. They give you an hour break or whatever but you’ve got to really want it. Because a lot of people, not just the girls, a lot of people are in the program just to get the benefits and when the benefits are over they don’t want to deal with it. You know you’ve got to really want the job because it places you at whatever type of job you want to be placed at and you have to go into that job and fight for it!

To read more of Dayshawn’s story, as well as other updates, please click here

Boletín 4 (Abril)

Aqui es nuestro boletín mas reciente en español.

“Yo no soy: Sólo mi sexo, yo personifico un ser dimensional. Alguien quien es Compasiva, Amable, Tierna, Fiel, una Amiga de veras, una para dar amor a cambio de amor. Yo soy la multitud de características que se encuentran en la creación de la vida…

Yo no soy: Para ser definida a través de tu parcialidad, tu intolerancia, tu concepto erróneo de mi esencia. Tu punto de vista es, tu punto de vista. No refleja ni determina mi ser.”

Leer más de poema de Imani, por favor clic aquí

Newsletter 4 (April)

Here is our FOURTH issue! We’re really excited about the feedback we’ve received, which has resulted in us changing the format a bit, particularly to include more space for people on the inside to communicate with one another.

“I am Not: Just my gender, I personify a dimensional being. One whom is Compassionate, Kind, Gentle, devoted, a true Friend, one to give love in exchange for love. I am the multitude of characteristic to be founded in life’s creation….

I am Not: To be define thru your bias, narrow-mindedness, misconception of my essence. Your views are just, your views. They don’t reflect nor determine my being.”

To read more of Imani’s poem, click here

Boletín 3 (Marzo)

Aqui es nuestro boletín mas reciente en español.  Si tiene prequntas, pensamientes, o idea, por favor preguntanos.

“Desde el Circular Trans del DMV, queremos mandar felicitaciones a Ophelia De’lonta, una corresponsal y contriubidora en Virginia.  El lunes, 28 de enero, Señora De’lonta ganó su apelación en una demanda contra el Departamento de Prisiones de Virginia (VDOC por su nombre en inglés, Virginia Department of Corrections).  Sra. De’lonta presentó una demanda contra el VDOC alegando que las autoridades penitenciarias la negaron tratamiento médico adecuado, en violación a la octava enmienda de la constitución, cuando negaron a permitir que ella se evaluará para cirugía de reasignación de sexo.”

Para más información, haga clic aquí.

Newsletter 3 (March)

Here it is! We are going to find a better way to publish it online soon, but for now, this is how we’ll do it! Enjoy, and if you have any questions, thoughts, ideas, don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

“We at the DMV Trans Circulator want to send our congratulations to Ophelia De’lonta a correspondent and contributor of ours in Virginia! On Monday, January 28th, Ms. De’lonta won her appeal in her lawsuit against the Virginia Department of Corrections (VDOC). Ms. De’lonta filed suit against the VDOC claiming that prison officials denied her adequate medical treatment in violation of the Eighth Amendment when they refused to allow her to be evaluated for sex reassignment surgery.”

To read more, click here!

Another release (and first post!)

We have been working so hard to get this months issue out and we did it.

This team of people are amazing. The way we can come together and get this

Ari and bex showing off Issue 3!

Ari and bex showing off Issue 3!

work done with passion and conviction blows me away. This is just the beginning of great things to come and I am very proud to be apart of it.

This is our brand new website and we want to welcome you. Please feel free to participate in this however you see possible.  In the upcoming weeks, we plan to have our newsletters up and accessible to those with internet access, as well as planning to maintain an active blog and dialogue here! We haven’t quite figured it out yet, but we are getting there and we want you all to be apart of it right from the beginning.

Much Love,

DMV Trans Circulator